At work today me and a guy i work with get into politics. He says China can do whatever they want to the chinese people, because the people belong to China.
At this point in the conversation i went ape shit and verbally fucked up him, and his stupid flawed idea.
1. People are people regardless of where they live. People deserve some humane fuckin treatment, decent fuckin wages, and a safe enviornment to work in. When you go to a place that has chemicals, you should have MSDS sheets on hand and eye wash shit too. Just because you live in a state-capitalist country doesn't mean you don't deserve save and fair conditions.
2. The people do not belong to China, China belongs to them. The people give authority. Why do pigs in this country have the power to arrest. shoot, search, us etc? because the retarded assholes of this country let them. I want to see a few hundred thousand police go up against 256 million pissed off people. In Quebec City, during the WTO protest there, a few hundred people went up against a hundred or so cops and completly fucked them up. Cops may have guns etc but when you have an angry lynch mob, you wont have enough ammo. This goes for china, whos population was 6.2 fucking BILLION as of a year or two ago. I want to see the government stop that revolt.
3. just because you live under a government doesn't mean you should be forced to do what they want all the fucking time. I'm not talkin obeying laws, I mean if you speak out you get shot kinda bullshit.
I could go on forever, but aren't the same human rights violations that China lets slide, or even condones, part of Bush's latest excuse to justify the war in Iraq? Why don't we stop the Chinese government from fucking up their own people now? When's that invasion comming?
At this point in the conversation i went ape shit and verbally fucked up him, and his stupid flawed idea.
1. People are people regardless of where they live. People deserve some humane fuckin treatment, decent fuckin wages, and a safe enviornment to work in. When you go to a place that has chemicals, you should have MSDS sheets on hand and eye wash shit too. Just because you live in a state-capitalist country doesn't mean you don't deserve save and fair conditions.
2. The people do not belong to China, China belongs to them. The people give authority. Why do pigs in this country have the power to arrest. shoot, search, us etc? because the retarded assholes of this country let them. I want to see a few hundred thousand police go up against 256 million pissed off people. In Quebec City, during the WTO protest there, a few hundred people went up against a hundred or so cops and completly fucked them up. Cops may have guns etc but when you have an angry lynch mob, you wont have enough ammo. This goes for china, whos population was 6.2 fucking BILLION as of a year or two ago. I want to see the government stop that revolt.
3. just because you live under a government doesn't mean you should be forced to do what they want all the fucking time. I'm not talkin obeying laws, I mean if you speak out you get shot kinda bullshit.
I could go on forever, but aren't the same human rights violations that China lets slide, or even condones, part of Bush's latest excuse to justify the war in Iraq? Why don't we stop the Chinese government from fucking up their own people now? When's that invasion comming?
oh, and yeah... the current administration's reason's for attacking iraq were completely bogus. no weapoms of mass destruction first of all, but i personally didnt think they'd find any anyway. plus, why if that was it, why iraq and not someone WITH weapons, like north korea, or pakistan? then, yeah, the universal human rights argument is crap for the same reasons. for instance, why didn't we attack russia for the atrocities in chechnya? and the al queda link... lets just say that is nonexistant. al queda is a shiite organization, and saddam is a sunni. they have hated each other for millenia, and saddam's purges were purges of shiites.
personally, i think the argument about the war being for oil was naiive. of course that was an aspect, but i think it was just a bonus. think about it this way... right after 911, we attacked afghanistan because their government was harboring al queda. that ended very very quickly, and opinion ratings were high. but then, after a period of inactivity and no capture of bin laden, public opinion started to shift. they needed a way to get the public's mind off things like the patriot act and the economy, so why not use a tried and tested enemy: saddam! seriously, did you notice just how quickly the great enemy changed from bin laden to saddam? aren;t scapegoats fun? and, i mean, then there was the defense contract aspect, the need to find a way to keep passing untra conservative laws that restrict our civil rights and liberties, and all that nonsense too.
blah, anyway, as usual i got off on a political tangent and neglected my homework. so i need to get to typin'. but hey, its nice to find like minds, even if they are on the internet. and i can't wait until election day when i get to vote that son of a bitch out of office.
man, i'll rant more about his later, cuz i'm not nearly done hehe.