So there I am at work. It's 9am. I sit down for preshift. That's where my boss tells us how many people are staying in the hotel, how many leaving, and how many checking in. Also what special shit we gotta clean ect.
She says, "The security cameras found a homeless person sleeping in one of the stairwells. Go find where."
I say no problem. No homeless person will fuck with me. I'm a crazy. Crazier than a homeless person,
So off I go. Runnin through stairwells with my broom. If some homeless guy tries to fuck with me I'm gonna crack him right in the fuckin nose. I feel for 'em but if its me or them, they will drop like a sack of shit.
Well I got the shit part right.
Turns out I wasn't looking for a homeless guy. I was looking for where he shit on our floor. HE SHIT ON THE GOD DAMN FLOOR TO OUR STAIRCASE. What kind of sick fuck does that?
So I get told I don't have to clean it up. But for the entire day I wonder about this. Why didn't he just walk up 2 flights of stairs to the bathroom? I mean come on now. Why do you gotta shit so that i gotta clean the floor. I used to feel bad for the homeless people that just wanna relax and drink in the casino, but when they piss and shit where I have to clean it up, they lose my sympathy.
Next homeless person I find im gonna whack him witha broom. Then shit inside his cardboard box and watch as he cleans it.
She says, "The security cameras found a homeless person sleeping in one of the stairwells. Go find where."
I say no problem. No homeless person will fuck with me. I'm a crazy. Crazier than a homeless person,
So off I go. Runnin through stairwells with my broom. If some homeless guy tries to fuck with me I'm gonna crack him right in the fuckin nose. I feel for 'em but if its me or them, they will drop like a sack of shit.
Well I got the shit part right.
Turns out I wasn't looking for a homeless guy. I was looking for where he shit on our floor. HE SHIT ON THE GOD DAMN FLOOR TO OUR STAIRCASE. What kind of sick fuck does that?
So I get told I don't have to clean it up. But for the entire day I wonder about this. Why didn't he just walk up 2 flights of stairs to the bathroom? I mean come on now. Why do you gotta shit so that i gotta clean the floor. I used to feel bad for the homeless people that just wanna relax and drink in the casino, but when they piss and shit where I have to clean it up, they lose my sympathy.
Next homeless person I find im gonna whack him witha broom. Then shit inside his cardboard box and watch as he cleans it.
on the ship i work on in the gulf of's so rough sometimes the passengers vomit in the craziest places......usualy on the run for the head/bathroom.....lots times they only make it as far as the public drinking fountain....sick....i can't stand puke.....luckily i work in the engine room so someone else hasta clean it up......however on to the point if my story......myself and the jr enginier run and maintane the msd system....on occasion.....that's the system that processes human waste....shit, piss, galley waste, shower water, etc.....we add salt water and run it all through these big electric book cells.....salt water and electricity create we can legally pump the shit overboard......i don't accually see the shit but just knowin' it;s there is fuckin gross.....sometimes however we gotta fix the thing......then the shit becomes a real just get imune to the thought of havin other peoples shit in the same room with you.....oh and ya get your god damn hep a and b imunizations.....
long gross story......but maybe you feel less put off by having to deal with one old drunks shit knowing i deal with 100s a peoples body waste.......