Where do your loyalties lie? If your ideals clash with your friendships which side are you gonna take?
My friend Ashley is a white power skinhead. I am not white power. So I got to thinking, What if?
So I asked her.
What if i chose to go out with a black woman? Shed still love me but would not like it.
What if I had a black child, would she hate it? She would.
If she could kill it would she? No, because it is mine.
If Rohawa (sp?) came would she shoot me if i were not on her side? No.
Would she stop others from trying to shoot me as well? Yes.
This may not seem to be a big deal to some, but it's about loyalty. She loves me, but how much is she willing to give over because of that love. She is willing to forego her life for me, and also her ideals. That is a true friend.
Where do your loyalties lie? If your ideals clash with your friendships which side are you gonna take?
My friend Ashley is a white power skinhead. I am not white power. So I got to thinking, What if?
So I asked her.
What if i chose to go out with a black woman? Shed still love me but would not like it.
What if I had a black child, would she hate it? She would.
If she could kill it would she? No, because it is mine.
If Rohawa (sp?) came would she shoot me if i were not on her side? No.
Would she stop others from trying to shoot me as well? Yes.
This may not seem to be a big deal to some, but it's about loyalty. She loves me, but how much is she willing to give over because of that love. She is willing to forego her life for me, and also her ideals. That is a true friend.