this car detailing job is gay, how the fuck am i supposed to make any money if i keep getting sent home because he has no cars for me to detail? i get paid comission, and if there wasa continuos flow of cars i'd be makin bank, but fuck no, he can't get no business, which means i ain't got no business. i gotta find some kinda thrid shift job, one for the differencial i can get, and two because i'm used to that schedual, this workin 11 and a half hours (and thats only if i don't get sent home cuz there aren't any cars) a day and only 2 cars ($50) is bullshit. half the time we end up just standing around waitin for work to come in. i can't take that, it's a waste of my time, i could be out lookin for something better, which is what i'm about to do, and probably the rest of the week, since it's gonna be shitty out, which means no business, fuck.
eh, i'll just say hi.
i said hi. it was confusing. perhaps i should have left the ~licks~ off? idunno... hope it's a fun night for you.