so in 3 days, a LOT has happened. when i went over to my friend dustins house to drink on thrusday, my other friend tyler told me that their frind heather likes me a lot. and i admit thati like her too, but that i am way too shy to make any first moves. but i was pretty drunk then and knowing she liked me was all i needed to hear. we ended up cuddling the rest of the night and making out. good shit. so then on friday, go over there and find out that dustin is going back to kansas, andmy ex markeya is taking him, and bringin heather with. she doesn't want to go, tyler doesn't want her to go and niether do i. but dustin does, so he told his and tylers mom (they are brothers and heather is living with them) that she has smoked meth, so of course she would make heather leave for that.but it's all markeya being pissed at me, trying to fuck up everything for me and heather because she hates us. so me and tyler and heather made up a plan to keep her here in the TC. we're gettin her a job, help her get her GED, and then we three are gonna move into our own place. but friday night while me heather and tyler were sittin in the living room, dustin comes back with markeya and jeff (jeff is another guy that markeya has wrapped around her finger), so heather gets up and goes outside and i follow, cuz we don't wanna be around markeya. me and heather were outside talkin, she goes in to put her shoes on, and then markeya comes outside and starts goin off on me. tyler comes out and asks if heather told me where she went cuz she just left, i said no so we go off looking for her, can't find her. but i had to go to work, so tylre eventually called me when she got home.and dustin is leaving for kansas on sunday morning. this is all just a shitload of drama in a really short amount of time....just as an example, i bought a carton of smokes on monday, and i am halfway through the last pack!

ok, since dustin left things have mellowed out. me and heather have decided to date, we are godamned fucking adorable, or at least i think so...but today i'm bringin tyler to school and then me and heather are goin job hunting, and gonna bring her to the place to help her get her GED too. then back to the crib for a little R&R, and some alone time, since for the last 4 days tyler has always been right there. finances are starting to balance out again too, so i'm glad. i'm actually happier right now then i have been in a long time, actually make that a really fucking long time.
hugs and kisses for all!