Another rose petal falls as you lips leave mine, and it's as though I was never even there to feel you upon me. Like your made of wind, and you've rustled my hair and then left me in silence. The sun in the sky is your smile, and it warms my skin and calms my aching heart to see you there. Watching over me, coming down upon me to wash away the dirt, I claw at the ground as it soaks you up. My breath takes in the earth around, no longer do I feel alone. Through my veins you flow, and I cut, and I drink of you, and you fill me up so that I may never hunger for one other then you.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 18, 2005
cold, lonely, afraid, depressed, apathetic. For the Atheists: hav… -
Thursday Jan 13, 2005
Work got even better today. Instead of sitting around for an hour an… -
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
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Sunday Jan 09, 2005
confusion and uncertianty would definetly have to be the worst possib… -
Saturday Jan 08, 2005
all the parts fall into place, guided by a hand, blown by a whisper, … -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
I got a job bitches, and i didn't even have to shave, fuck. oh well,… -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
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Sunday Jan 02, 2005
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Friday Dec 31, 2004
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Sunday Dec 26, 2004
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