driving sucks.............that would be the 12 hours i've spent on the highway, going to and back, and to and back again, helping a friend move to grand rapids. what made it worse is that i had worked the night before the morning that we left, so no sleep there, when we finally got up there, i had a 1/2 hour nap, and then got up top drink, have to drink. then pass out for 2 hours, wake up, unable to go back to sleep, come back for the second load, half the way back to rapids i was half awake, i'm surprised i made it, then another 1/2 nap and 3 effedrine to keep me awake on the road. and what do i get out of the deal? the satasfaction of helping a friend, which is completely worth it, but i also got another 800 miles on my truck....and i can't afford the oil change that i am 1000 miles overdue for...
Alli just told me how nice to me you were last sunday, coming and talking to me. I really don't remember any of it, but thank you. and sorry if I was incomprihensable, rude, or just a bitch.
Jesus...I hope this guy at least covered gas money. This must be that punishment part that always follows a good deed. You Boy Scout.