One of the biggest reasons I don't like to drink is because of the way it makes you feel and act. Last night at work on the 'party boat' we had a group of brand new internerns for sandals grande antigua, come on board. Fresh to the island and first time on board. Drunk as hell and getting worst by the hour. They kept telling my bartenders to make them anything, and they are lucky cos some people can be fuck up on this island and really screw them over with drinks. In antigua, we don't measure alcohol and most of the time the drink is 3/4 liquor because here the alcohol Is cheaper then the mixer, especially rum. One guy decided to ignore the 'don't climb' signs and climbed to the top and walked into our huge ass wind turbine. I don't even know how this happened as it's huge and makes so much noise from the wind, and last night was windy. It broke his nose one time, mashed up his face completely and he couldn't feel a thing. He's so damn lucky it didn't hit him on them temple or he could have been so much worse.
Motto of the day everyone; no matter how drunk you are always read the signs (:
Nothing every surprises me in antigua anymore!