wow what can i say did nothing but hangout this weekend i wanted to go out. oh i spent most of last night fighting with my ex
first on the phone then online, i finally just turned off the phone and PC
that girl has some issues and alot of growing up to do. fuck it im going to vent. that girl always blames me cause i dont call or make an effort, well its kindaa hard when the bitch wont let me so fuck her. i prey that she finds happiness one day but she needs to find herself first. Always blaming someone else for her mistakes and choices, like anyone forced her to? dont know and dont care anymore. it just hurts to damn much to try anymore.
at waht point should one just give up? and walk away? i have hate giving up i did it once and never want to do it agian.
. anyways what do you all think? should i try and stay friends or just walk away?
ok lets add a daily question:
would you give up and walk away or continue to try?

at waht point should one just give up? and walk away? i have hate giving up i did it once and never want to do it agian.

ok lets add a daily question:
would you give up and walk away or continue to try?
you know i woke up early this morning because i had one of those terrible dreams where my mom is announcing to me she's sick and dying. i woke up with tears rolling down my face clutching my blanket. 40 minutes before my alarm would go off, i decided i didn't want to go back to sleep so i came online and read SG...but the gym totally escaped my mind! i would have gone and forgot my clothes AGAIN if it weren't for you! so thanks
im north of SD, south of SF....