Last final done at 8:40PM tonight. Now I have time to devote to stuff. Come join my group my group Gastric Bypass, you might learn something. Really you might.
Getting ready to have a kick ass partay, well as kick ass as it can be with me being there... I just heard that this cool chick antietam might be there. She was a troma girl... My first troma experience was USA Up all night with Rhonda Shear and the toxic avenger
.... since then I've been hooked. So I am pretty psyched to meet her. Can't wait to meet the rest of yinzer pittsburghers too, especially the old friends from here, yinz know who you are.
10:49PM edited cuz I am a retard. I can't wait to meet my good buddy akira who is flying in special for the party, actually the party is cuz he is flying in. My bad yo.
Getting ready to have a kick ass partay, well as kick ass as it can be with me being there... I just heard that this cool chick antietam might be there. She was a troma girl... My first troma experience was USA Up all night with Rhonda Shear and the toxic avenger

10:49PM edited cuz I am a retard. I can't wait to meet my good buddy akira who is flying in special for the party, actually the party is cuz he is flying in. My bad yo.
If not, ah well, one will just have to try really hard . . . or something. Twas trying to make a joke, but it came out more like:
*shrugs shoulders and rolls eyes at self*