I am a big fat motherfucker. I was rollerblading, showing off for my 4 year old...(what am I going to do when he is 16?) and I didn't have the sock thingy's so my feet are flopping around in them like crazy, anyway I go to stop on both heel stops at the same time, except I only have one heelstop... and I hit the concrete square on my back and scrape my elbow up. 1lunatic came wandering out of the 14 room brick home smiling and says to me, "I felt you hit the ground inside." OOOOOHHHH gonna feel that one in the morning...
thank you for ur b-day wishes... and keep ur left nut intact, i'm sure bg would want it there 

Ouch! I've only rollerbladed once. College. Very drunk. There were many bets placed on whether not I would return from the 'round the block trip merely bloodied or not return at all... Heh