Hello everyone! My second set just recently went live in member review and I figured it was time for me to write my first blog post! Keep in mind this is my first post so the grammar and writing style may not be up to par haha.
After some consideration on what to write about I came to the decision that I was gonna share my experience in coming into this fantastic community and becoming a hopeful suicide girl and maybe one day going pink! I first heard about suicide girls when I was 16, being from a small town the alternative scene was near to non existent this was a huge deal to me, beautiful, sexy, alternative girls who had all the confidence in the world! *let's just say it was a HUGE eye opener for me lol* it truly inspired me to be who I wanted to be, so I started to.
Living in a small town I enjoyed all the time I had to myself, I managed to find my way into the nerdy lifestyle, and Tumblr lol but it was moving to Edmonton that really showed me how amazing this community really is. Coming to Edmonton with no friends I had decided to go on a friend hunt haha, the need for a social was strong so out I went to a bar to start my mission! I ended up meeting one of the most amazing girls and we instantly hit it off, the next thing I knew she was introducing me to the rest of the girls in the city and we were all becoming fast friends and for a girl who didn't have many friends it was pretty fucking awesome haha
Okay so I could go on about that but it would take a while, so we will fast forward to about a month later when this set was taken, a month after I met the beautiful @aurralee ;) we decided to drive to bc for 420 and do a shoot fest! Now I had very little experience working with photographers in this style before and in my first set I was very nervous, but my second set was another story haha. Meeting all these girls and seeing how supportive and proud they are of each other and the amount of love and caring in this community just made it so much more fun, and easier to be myself :)
So here I am, a little over a year after finally growing the confidence to start my second set in review my third set just taken I'm so much happier and I can't wait to see what the future brings!!