i'm excited, i've not been to a group outing in a while...
i'm even bringing my camera, need to brush the cobwebs off it first AND FIND MY FUCKING CHARGER
in other good news, we had our next scan and it looks like we're having a girl
now we can settle on a name and start buying lots of pink stuff...
on sunday i'm putting in an application for some warehouse jobs, manual labor ftw.
see some of you tomorrow

i'm excited, i've not been to a group outing in a while...
i'm even bringing my camera, need to brush the cobwebs off it first AND FIND MY FUCKING CHARGER
in other good news, we had our next scan and it looks like we're having a girl

now we can settle on a name and start buying lots of pink stuff...
on sunday i'm putting in an application for some warehouse jobs, manual labor ftw.
see some of you tomorrow

Grats on the baby girl