Just got back from my first cruise (Cozumel and Progreso) and had a great time! If you haven't done it before, you gotta do it. Sad thing is because I've traveled so much in these first few months, I now have very little vacation left. Looks like I will be stuck in Nebraska for the rest of the year. I might go crazy...
What do...
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Had so much fun at this year's show. Super happy they decided to come back to Omaha! Worth every penny...
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Got my tickets to the SG Burlesque show. Super excited that they are coming back to Omaha!
What I don't want to happen again is for my phone to die in the first 5 minutes of the show like it did last time. That was the worst possible thing. I remember being incredibly distraught and I don't think I could live through that again...
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I had such a good time at the Ariana Grande concert! Girl can sing and is super cute!
If you have a chance to see her, go do it!
Mexico ended up being awesome! Cancun was sunny and the beach was gorgeous. I can tell you that I did not want to come back. It was even more depressing to have a flight in cold Minneapolis. Tomorrow it's back to the ole' grind...
I'm super excited to be heading to Cancun this Thursday, my first time traveling outside of the US.
And because a freaking ice storm just hit where I live it couldn't come a moment too soon! Heading down to a wedding of people I don't know (related to my uncle, whose family I am going down with) and it should be a blast.
So for...
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Back on Suicide Girls, after a long while. Forgot how chill this site is and how cool everyone is. And of course it's always good to see the most beautiful women on the Internet.
No real reason for the post. Thought I would just shout out into the big Internet tube and hope something comes back. Tata for now.
Have you ever had that awkward moment when you reconnect with someone you knew briefly in the past, hit it off really well, become really tight, fall in love, knowing that she is married, lives two hours away, with a child and not knowing how to deal with it in a completely mature manner?
Yeah, neither have I.
Looking forward to the special gift from @darling_! Can't wait to get it!
How quickly that warm feeling of spending time with friends and family can end by going back to work the day after Christmas. I felt good and I was floating everywhere and going back to work brought it right back down. Anybody else feeling like that?