So this guy, I won't mention any names (SlimJim...) came over this weekend and totally burninated my apartment. The couch is now on the other side of the house and there are like six bags of stuff that need to go to Goodwill.
Seriously though, it needed to be done, so thanks, kiddo. Although I hated you while it was happening I've decided to like you again.
Otherwise there are like 400 pages of reading to be done by me and at least ten loads of laundry. So I'd better quit farting around and get it done

Seriously though, it needed to be done, so thanks, kiddo. Although I hated you while it was happening I've decided to like you again.

Otherwise there are like 400 pages of reading to be done by me and at least ten loads of laundry. So I'd better quit farting around and get it done

400 pages?!? What are you reading, the Encyclopedia Brittanica? I myself read a whole bunch for recreation but that much for school is just plain sadistic! Good luck to you