My honey finally managed to find gainful employment! Yippee!
In other news, I colored my hair. It was black with Pillarbox Red ends, but I'm going to be re-dyeing it soon because it was a demi-permanent dye and it washed out waaaay too quickly, and I'm trying to get most of the red out of the ends because Manic Panic just doesn't fucking last for any length of time. (I wash my hair daily, and therefore it didn't last for beans.) Currently, my hair has settled into a really dark brown and the ends are this weird, wishy-washy reddish-pinkish-orangey color that's just odd. Like a dusty salmon. I'll post pics if people are interested when I make it purty again. I've got different reds that I'm going to be putting in the ends.
Just so you know, trying to dye the ends of your hair a different (and seriously lighter) color than the rest of your hair is a pain in the balls.
But I liked the effect, so...whatever.
In other news, I colored my hair. It was black with Pillarbox Red ends, but I'm going to be re-dyeing it soon because it was a demi-permanent dye and it washed out waaaay too quickly, and I'm trying to get most of the red out of the ends because Manic Panic just doesn't fucking last for any length of time. (I wash my hair daily, and therefore it didn't last for beans.) Currently, my hair has settled into a really dark brown and the ends are this weird, wishy-washy reddish-pinkish-orangey color that's just odd. Like a dusty salmon. I'll post pics if people are interested when I make it purty again. I've got different reds that I'm going to be putting in the ends.
Just so you know, trying to dye the ends of your hair a different (and seriously lighter) color than the rest of your hair is a pain in the balls.
But I liked the effect, so...whatever.
Congrats to the honey.
Congratulations to your man for finding a job. My lady is currently looking for employment. Hopefully she'll have a swift encounter with fortune.
Good luck with the hair. Fancy tricks tend to be a hassle, but when it works it's typically worth it.