I am pleased to announce that I have now been to my first drive-in theater!
There's one about 25 minutes away from me, and I went last week to see "Iron Man" with my darling.
I had SUCH a nice time. It was pretty inexpensive (6.25 per person) and the concession stand had cheeseburgers! I could smoke during the movie, and I didn't have someone's seven-year-old kicking the back of my chair, and I didn't have someone muttering advice to Tony Stark two inches from my ear! All we had to do was tune the radio to a certain station and we could listen to the sounds in the movie at whatever volume we felt was appropriate. What? The explosions are just too damned loud? That's okay! Just turn down the volume!
We'd brought our own drinks so we got to drink exactly as much as we wanted and exactly what we wanted to drink. It was great.
By the way, if you go to see this movie, sit there and wait until after the credits. Something cool happens.
And the movie was awesome. Robert Downey Jr. IS Iron Man. I never thought Robert Downey Jr. was sexy, ever, until I saw him play this part. It just rocked completely. LOVED it. I just loved it.
There's one about 25 minutes away from me, and I went last week to see "Iron Man" with my darling.
I had SUCH a nice time. It was pretty inexpensive (6.25 per person) and the concession stand had cheeseburgers! I could smoke during the movie, and I didn't have someone's seven-year-old kicking the back of my chair, and I didn't have someone muttering advice to Tony Stark two inches from my ear! All we had to do was tune the radio to a certain station and we could listen to the sounds in the movie at whatever volume we felt was appropriate. What? The explosions are just too damned loud? That's okay! Just turn down the volume!
We'd brought our own drinks so we got to drink exactly as much as we wanted and exactly what we wanted to drink. It was great.
By the way, if you go to see this movie, sit there and wait until after the credits. Something cool happens.
And the movie was awesome. Robert Downey Jr. IS Iron Man. I never thought Robert Downey Jr. was sexy, ever, until I saw him play this part. It just rocked completely. LOVED it. I just loved it.
Wow, it's amazing to me how many people have never been to a drive in. I can remember seeing all of the Star Wars movies, as well as Indiana Jones there. We used to go a lot with my uncle and his kids, so it was a lot cheaper for all of us to go to the drive in. Plus it meant it was easier for my mom to fall asleep. 

Drive in are awesome! I haven't been to one since I was really little. Did you read the sandman series by Neil Gaiman. That's the one I'm on right now.