I just want a night out, with lots of alcohol and dancing and jumping about and talking crap to near-strangers and waking up with my ears ringing and a big grin on my face.
Never mind. I'll have to settle for watching House on Haunted Hill with my boy and the Puppy, my little family who I love, aww.
Never mind. I'll have to settle for watching House on Haunted Hill with my boy and the Puppy, my little family who I love, aww.
And everything you ever wanted to know about hermit crabs is here..
*Edited cuz I'm a tool
[Edited on Nov 07, 2004 1:15PM]
No seriously, my best friend (trippydea, but she's being a poopy by not having any journal entries) and I decided to shed our slave names and take on new names. I disowned my slave black name in favor of Biff, and she disowned her slave white name in favor of Bonquisha. We even named our first cars Biff and Bonquisha, respectively.
Hahahaa....Fuck. I'm glad high school is over.