For some reason that Pepsi commercial where the two actors just say the words of italian food got is stuck in my head. By either chance Hello SG Land. Newest update: Life's good. Just came back from a little get together with friends and I'm feeling pretty good. Hope you guys are too.
Nothing really new going on. Stay tuned though according to my...
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For some reason that Pepsi commercial where the two actors just say the words of italian food got is stuck in my head. By either chance Hello SG Land. Newest update: Life's good. Just came back from a little get together with friends and I'm feeling pretty good. Hope you guys are too.
Nothing really new going on. Stay tuned though according to my...
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OLD SKOOL PIsces CHit chat REUNION. If this link isnt active- it will be by tonight. XO
I'm excited about this months horoscopes!!!!!!!
Hola~ SG - Land of the Beautiful, Artistic, and (yes) Naked.
It's been a bit so I figured I'd add some new ramblings today to entertain my adoring Public
( I Kid! I Kid!!
D_Patron's Update On Life, Love, And The State of Our Metaphysical Being:
Life: Still in Neutral, but I'm pretty sure 'the clutch is down, and my hand is on the...
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It's been a bit so I figured I'd add some new ramblings today to entertain my adoring Public
( I Kid! I Kid!!

D_Patron's Update On Life, Love, And The State of Our Metaphysical Being:
Life: Still in Neutral, but I'm pretty sure 'the clutch is down, and my hand is on the...
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sailor moon rocks!
Pirates Or Ninjas? Which one do you prefer? I think it goes without saying for anyone who knows me, I'm a Ninja Fan. Throwing Stars, caltrops, itching/sneezing powder, poison darts, all make for a romantic evening for me
Ok Ok so I am just joking, at least about the itching/sneezing powder... I Kiiiid, I Kiiiid! Life's good, I lost a major deal last week but...
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Ok Ok so I am just joking, at least about the itching/sneezing powder... I Kiiiid, I Kiiiid! Life's good, I lost a major deal last week but...
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thanks hun! I'm glad you like my "improvements" 

LOL... believe me, I can.... haha
Hello! Bloggy McBloggins here, live on the scene from D_Patrons wild ass SOLO party! It has been revealed that D_Patron is hosting a wild ass party but the rest of the world is not invited. ...That's absolutely correct, Chuck, Patron was quoted as saying, and I quote, "Fuck - It... I'm -" ... One moment here, Chuck, I can't make out his scribble scratch... Ah...
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I've resolved to spend the next decade being a bad influence. Let the Decade of Destruction Commence!!!!
The Holidays are upon us! Flee! Flee! Flee!!! I say lest their dreaded wallet thinning and money sapping powers leave you wandering around at work wondering what you're doing there and why you have nothing to show for it!
Is that a "Bah-Humbug!" I hear?! No! I'm not saying the holidays are bad just the required gift giving that leaves you feeling drained and inadequate...
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How was your day after epic drinking NYE?
happy new year darling. hope it's a good one for you 

I guess it's time for me to ramble on some more. Just got back from another business trip with those same suits I mentioned a couple months ago. They're happy cause the customer is happy and business is good - Translation: Job security intact for the moment = Celebration at whatever strip club I decide on tonight.
Other than that life's been kind of...
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My gamertag is the same as my screen name here. I do most of my gaming in the morning once I get out of work around 8am.
Seans gamer tag is Chabooky on the xbox. My daughter gave him that name. Usually it's something like Axl because our last name is Foley. Axl Foley was Eddie Murphys character in 48 hours. Anyway- whenever he used to do trivia in bars and stuff it was Axl F. Chabooky seems strange. I don't like it. Hit him up with a friends request on the x-box. I think you guys do that - dontcha? Then you can try to beat his high score on that weird geometric war game that he plays. LOL- He has THE HIGH SCORE for that game for sure. *giggle* I finally played Rock Band the other day with some friends and then with my kids. It was fun. I still like karaoke better.

4 Score and several months ago, I set out on an adventure. Not one of my choosing, mind you. It all began with a visit to my desk (at the somewhat large company I work for - understatement) from my supervisor to tell me I was going on a business trip with a bunch of suits and I would be stuck in the car with...
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xoxoxoxox- Just stopping by to say hey. I was cleaning house today (deleting random weirdo's that friend me) and noticed that I've haven't been online for long bouts and haven't spent much time in the pisces room. I just wanted you to know that I didn't delete you because I think you are one of the nice weirdo's on here. Stop by my journal once in awhile and let's not be strangers anymore. Your blog cracked me up. The part about you beating everyone on your 360. My hubby and kids play that shit all the time. Not sure if they play that perticular game because I am not a video game person.
I know my husband has been playing a whole lot more lately. He may be trying to beat your high score. I see him sweating it.
Anyway........ go leave some comments in the Pisces room.
I left a new thread about SinLover. He may have already left before you came. He was awesome. I just wrote a testimonial about him tonight in his NON ACTIVE JOURNAL and read the other testimonial I had given him before and laughed my ass off at my own strangeness. I love reading old shit like that and laughing about how oddball I can be.
Anyway- you are tops in my book.

Anyway........ go leave some comments in the Pisces room.
I left a new thread about SinLover. He may have already left before you came. He was awesome. I just wrote a testimonial about him tonight in his NON ACTIVE JOURNAL and read the other testimonial I had given him before and laughed my ass off at my own strangeness. I love reading old shit like that and laughing about how oddball I can be.
Anyway- you are tops in my book.
Check your testimonials. I am so funny and delighted with myself.
OH AND READ Sinlover's oldest testimonial. It is ridiculous. OMG.
I'll have to get to know you better and write you a really long, and seriously strange one that only we will understand. Tops baby!- Tops. - Okay that sounds weird already.
OH- FishNaBowl is my husband. His testimonials will make your giggle box flip over and do summersalts. I'm like WTF???????
OH AND READ Sinlover's oldest testimonial. It is ridiculous. OMG.
I'll have to get to know you better and write you a really long, and seriously strange one that only we will understand. Tops baby!- Tops. - Okay that sounds weird already.
OH- FishNaBowl is my husband. His testimonials will make your giggle box flip over and do summersalts. I'm like WTF???????

Did you see that Fight Club set?! My gawd this is why I love women! I come home from a grueling day at work plop down in front of the screen and BAM! Pure Ohio SG goodness rocks my face off. My day just got elevated to the Nth degree - the drama all fades away and I know that yes there...
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I had a great time as I always do! I love it there
Are you still alive?
TESTIMONIAL: It's always when you're most down on your luck and you're about to call it quits that God sends you that ray of hope that lets you know that He's out there, and that "Doing the Right Thing" isn't useless.
I'll not elaborate but I'm pretty sure people figured out I was bummin'. Well fear not. Thanks to some encouraging words, I'm back babee!!!...
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I'll not elaborate but I'm pretty sure people figured out I was bummin'. Well fear not. Thanks to some encouraging words, I'm back babee!!!...
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we went to TX, and it's is the best EVER for seafood and used books!
I think the service is a llittle creepy too, but I'm just uncomfortable with all of it. I have struggled with whether or not I should delete the contacts... but I never have. It's a new problem.... one for the ages.
I'm glad you're feeling better, there's nothing gothic music won't fix
I'm glad you're feeling better, there's nothing gothic music won't fix

Ok so I saw "Human Flesh Suspension" - Live -for the first time at my local thursday night spot - The Cincinnati Dock. If you're wondering what that is, it's like that scene from the movie "The Cell' with J-Lo, where the guy suspends himself from the ceiling from metal hooks driven through the flesh of his body!
Anyways, these dudes - there was three...
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I got his point of view but I have my issues with organized religion and I grew up and went to 10 year of christian school and church. I came close to saying Satan loves you as I left but I decided to be the better man.
I agree with Mr. Hammer above me... I SO wanna do suspension. One of the guys that pierces me does that and he offered to let me come to a private show and try it. I am too scared and with the health issues its not safe.
sniff sniff
Yes I am back and full of piss and vinegar!!! I am back to MEEEEE!
minus the hopeful tag too!

Yes I am back and full of piss and vinegar!!! I am back to MEEEEE!

minus the hopeful tag too!