I keep seeing these "Bush or Kerry" posts everywhere and I would like to respond to all of them, however, I've grown weary of it. So, here's my response.
Question: Bush or Kerry?
Answer: Hmm ... not to say that Kerry is a great man or that I'm all that excited about John Edwards (supported the patriot act), however, at this point, anything is better than a man who has had relations with the Bin Laden family, and the Saudi Royal Family for the majority of his life, has had more failed businesses than most of us have had failed relationships, has a running mate that was the head of the corporation that has profited most from the Iraq war, has a father that uses his CIA access to give the Saudis "insider information", was a coke head and an alcoholic, arranged an abortion for his girl friend in 1971 then claimed "pro-life" (whatever the fuck that means), oh yeah, and didn't he say he was going to crusade against evil in reference to a muslim fanatical group? Not the best choice of words, however, that's never been one of his strong suites either. Yes, I'm talking about Bush. The thing that I find most interesting, is that those opposed to Bush so far in this post have been able to substantiate their positions while those for the poor sap, have used arguments such as "stop picking on him, the job of president is hard." or "Kerry is a flip-flopper". Really? Elaborate please. Can you? Of course the job of president is hard. It seams like a good idea to me too have someone in office who can handle the responsibility rather than sit there like an idiot while buildings are crumbling around the nation. <--- FACT. Remember that the same people that are saying give Bush a break just because he ruined our economy and sent our brothers and sisters to Iraq to die for no good reason, are the ones who got Clinton impeached just because he got some head. Cheers bitches.
Question: Bush or Kerry?
Answer: Hmm ... not to say that Kerry is a great man or that I'm all that excited about John Edwards (supported the patriot act), however, at this point, anything is better than a man who has had relations with the Bin Laden family, and the Saudi Royal Family for the majority of his life, has had more failed businesses than most of us have had failed relationships, has a running mate that was the head of the corporation that has profited most from the Iraq war, has a father that uses his CIA access to give the Saudis "insider information", was a coke head and an alcoholic, arranged an abortion for his girl friend in 1971 then claimed "pro-life" (whatever the fuck that means), oh yeah, and didn't he say he was going to crusade against evil in reference to a muslim fanatical group? Not the best choice of words, however, that's never been one of his strong suites either. Yes, I'm talking about Bush. The thing that I find most interesting, is that those opposed to Bush so far in this post have been able to substantiate their positions while those for the poor sap, have used arguments such as "stop picking on him, the job of president is hard." or "Kerry is a flip-flopper". Really? Elaborate please. Can you? Of course the job of president is hard. It seams like a good idea to me too have someone in office who can handle the responsibility rather than sit there like an idiot while buildings are crumbling around the nation. <--- FACT. Remember that the same people that are saying give Bush a break just because he ruined our economy and sent our brothers and sisters to Iraq to die for no good reason, are the ones who got Clinton impeached just because he got some head. Cheers bitches.
do you ever update??
oh! ok...well, i took you off the friends list becuase you were never on...hmmm, should i put you back on?