It's been a busy week and tonight will be a very interesting night- I (my company) am going to received an award for service from the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation at their large fundraising event. Should be interesting, what should I say?javascript:%20x()
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 22, 2003
it's been a strange couple days. I was sick yesterday, but still had … -
Sunday Apr 20, 2003
the day was good, got a few hours in at the bike shop and now it's ti… -
Saturday Apr 19, 2003
feeling good, I'll try to run today since I haven't done it in 4 days… -
Wednesday Apr 16, 2003
today was super stressful, I have to send out late notices to 15 clie… -
Tuesday Apr 15, 2003
biked to work today and ran two miles when I got home. I'm into doing… -
Monday Apr 14, 2003
Great day! now it's time to cook dinner. have a good bowling night… -
Sunday Apr 13, 2003
the walk was very fun. started at 8:30 with a pbr and bloody, then pr… -
Friday Apr 11, 2003
very productive week, going get some work done now, hit the bank, wor… -
Wednesday Apr 09, 2003
went to a very cool, mellow show last night: Damien Jurado at Schuba'… -
Sunday Apr 06, 2003
It's been a pretty good week, very busy though. I won't be bolwing th…