It's been a busy week and tonight will be a very interesting night- I (my company) am going to received an award for service from the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation at their large fundraising event. Should be interesting, what should I say?javascript:%20x()
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Thursday Jul 31, 2003
I feel like I'm falling off the planet- I'm sooo behind on so many th… -
Saturday Jul 26, 2003
just ran my first 6 mile run! it was great, in a few weeks that # wil… -
Saturday Jul 19, 2003
drank_way_toooo_much_!_!_! -
Wednesday Jul 16, 2003
good week so far, had a great interview on monday and now I'm about t… -
Saturday Jul 12, 2003
ran 4 out of the last 6 days and signed up for a half-marathon yester… -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2003
pretty good week so far- I don't say that very often. going to see… -
Friday Jul 04, 2003
so it's the fourth? so what... went to work for a new client at 9 thi… -
Sunday Jun 29, 2003
saw the fall last night. go see the fall tonight!. it's your duty if … -
Wednesday Jun 25, 2003
it's going to be an interesting (busy) next couple of days- helping a… -
Friday Jun 20, 2003
long week.... must rest....