Went to the gossip show at the empty bottle last night and it was great, Miss Alex While was also very interesting. got drunk, started to walk home and saw my friend guenevere riding south on western, she told me where the after party for the alleycat was so I jumped a bus home, grabbed my bike and headed for it, that was at 1:30....
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Gossip? How the hell did I not know about that?
I didn't make it on saturday, unfortunately. Did you say that was the last one? Dammit.
Monday: excellent.
last night was interesting, fun, drunk. going to start planning for taxes this week, it's going to suck. mad
Alleycat? I wanna know, I wanna know!
I knew they had them here, but I'm not in the loop yet. Please share...
It's been a busy week and tonight will be a very interesting night- I (my company) am going to received an award for service from the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation at their large fundraising event. Should be interesting, what should I say?javascript:%20x()
well, playing with the widgets was a little more difficult then anticipated, I've got a xml book on the way to me, it's a symetrical language so it shouldn't be too difficult to pick up and start playing with it right away. we'll see! smile
hey! i just got your mail, i am working at the moment, but i will shoot you a mail when i get home and have the disks infront of me.
found a great deal on a g4 dualgig tower server and just use it as standard setup, so i never even opened those disks. i will let you know tomorrow. take care
Tonight I'm going to start doing the research for an sg widget to be used with konfabulator. any suggestions on what it should do? my first attempt will be for it to just list the latest posting on the main page, whether is a new photo set or an interview. This may take some time, I have pretty busy life. if anyone has a suggestion...
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