I woke up this morining to find a stuffed sperm whale sitting in my favorite chair in the livingroom. No lie.
Gonna get to the bottom of this.
Nothing serious and deep to a say in the Journal today, but it's "FRIDAY"!!!!!!!!!!! and it's all sunshine on this side of the streets.
Everybody get out and get your jiggy on....ya hear!!!
Picked up the new The Epoxies album. They, well; kinda rocked my little world; again.....plus!! I just found out, they're playing sunday nite in SF.Check em out if ya have the chance.
Oh; and the 'sperm whale'? My drunken clepto roomie walked out of a store with it the night before. She had no idea she did it till she saw it the next morining...she was very regretful. I was laughing my ass off!

I know, I know, I have been crap at updating/commenting lately. Things have been really good. Busy and good... you know, exciting prospects on the horizon and all that jazz. Hope all is fabulous in your 'hood...even if it is Monday!

huh! bitches better step back motha fuckassssssss...hahahaha