Well how fuckin' lame is this kat!!!? I feel like been leaving all you poor folks neglected for some time now. Super sorry my friends; it's summer and I'm not much in front of this crazy ol' computer screen. But I thought I'd touch base and let ya'll know that I'm still kickin' and doin it well. Been stickin around the bay area just enjoying it as much as I can, and claiming the "best summer ever!" in awhile with those around me. Lotta fixed gear ridin' around the yay' area and surfing up and down the coast.....nuthin but endless summer happenings all around.
Let this be known now.......I'll try and not be such a stranger.......alright kiddos....gotta go play....!!!
Wuv D
Let this be known now.......I'll try and not be such a stranger.......alright kiddos....gotta go play....!!!

Wuv D
And a big fuck yeah to fixed gear riders. We're tough.