Literally walked into a sold out Wolf Parade show last nite in my stooper and made my jedi way to the vip section to discover a great new band in the making. Never even heard of them before as found myself hungover the the balcony & tappin my feet to some damn good tunes.
Don't ya just love happy accidents.
Of course this morning I noticed that my flip flops were still stuck to my feet with budwiser glue...jesus! How did that happen?
Don't ya just love happy accidents.
Of course this morning I noticed that my flip flops were still stuck to my feet with budwiser glue...jesus! How did that happen?
What a wonderful picture! Thanks for sharing.

wolf parade is okaaay, cheeeeeesey is good sometimes. i just wish i could afford good cameras like everyone else and be able to do some photo jobs, but nah. broke and a sucker i am, but at least i manage to be creative now and then. always something. now we'll make lasagna. hope you are having a good weekend.