I'm having the crappiest day ever. This morning I was supposed to get sworn in to the CT Bar, thereby making me an officially licensed attorney. Finally, after 3 years of law school, 3 years of reading thousands upon thousands of pages of legal literature, 3 years of putting up with pompous professors and snooty little rich kids. Today is the beginning of a new day. I get up early (actually didnt sleep b/c it was such a big day), get dressed in my best monkey suit, drive 30 minutes to Hartford and arrive to the State Supreme Court. I get in line and see all my former classmates eagerly awaiting their day in the sun. I greet them with small talk and slowly make my way up the line. I hand in my paperwork and am told I am not on the list. You're kidding right!?!?!? "It'll just be a moment".... a half hour goes by. Seems like there's a problem with my "character & fitness" portion of the application...I cannot get sworn in?!?! What??? Somebody made a mistake and sent me the acceptance letter before I was officially accepted. Now I know Im no angel, but my c & f is spotless compared to most, so they checked my file and found the only reason I cant get in is b/c someone on their end didnt sign off on something. Oh and he's usually here but today (one of the 2 most important days of the year for them) he is not so this will have to wait...
Nice huh?
Nice huh?

How are you my dear? And by any chance are you going to be at the Candlebox show at the Webster Theatre on July 28th???