I've just been keyed into the fact that an opener band I really enjoyed when seeing the Stiff Little Fingers, Throw Rag, is going to be playing at a place of my previous employment who saw fit to ROYALLY fuck over quite a few employees, including me and my buddy, Rich. Now, enter dillema. Do I go to see said band and hope to enjoy myself in the midst of backstabbing, good for nothing owners and a girl I had the misfortune of being 'intimate' with (if you can call it that.) Or do I pass up a show that could very possibly be awesome? I think I'm going to have to pass it up... but I really don't know, 'cause I'm in a place that could be called a SFZ (Show Free Zone), where we very rarely get bands worth seeing. Anyway, I'll have to see how things go when it gets closer to the show date...
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 13, 2005
Just finished watching the first season of Millennum and I need to go… -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
I now have Skype, my screen name there is the same as on here. Gimmi… -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2005
All I fucking wanted to do was eat my tri tip pizza and drink a bottl… -
Thursday Jun 30, 2005
Got chicken on the drums poundin' out a perfect prescription. -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2005
I need to update more. I'm listening to the Steve Miller Band. I … -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
Batman Begins: Met and beat my expectations. Just goes to show you w… -
Saturday May 21, 2005
House cleaning sucks, I need to do dishes and vacuum still... plus ta… -
Tuesday Apr 12, 2005
if anybody is playing xboxlive and wants to hit me up for a game of S… -
Wednesday Apr 06, 2005
good news, neither finger is broken... but I'm not so sure about one … -
Sunday Apr 03, 2005
I think I just broke my index and middle fingers on my left hand... f…