Okay so now to think of 20 things to tell you peoples about myself that you may or may not know..ohhh this might take a while...ya more then likely it willIm not even sure I know that much about myself.
1. Once in a while I like cheese whiz on my waffles or French toast
2. I like ketchup in homemade chicken noodle soup and only homemade soup.
3. I dont like chocolate (every once in a while is alright, but in all honesty its one of those things that you can forget)
4. I dislike rumthe only way that I will have some is if its vanilla flavoured and thats only a couple of sipsor if its in the rum cake that my mom makes.
5. I wear glasses
6. I think that Im probably hornier then most guys.
7. My story with my ex is quite a good one, we went out in grade 11 he cheated on me and then I went out with him againhow stupid can one person bewell that was definitely a good one, sometimes I really wonder what the fuck I saw in himnow the more I look at him and what not I keep thinking that hes such an asshole and I dont know why I ever went out with him a second time
8. I was in Air Cadets and Im think that next year Im going to get my paperwork done an become an officer.
9. I got a ticket for driving with undo care and attention, plus an extra year of probation and when I went to explain my situation to the SGI guy that does the interviews for the people on probation he told me that I never should have gotten the ticket because it wasnt my fault.
10. On that same note I defended myself in court for that and I was told by the 4 police officers there that I should consider a career in lawbecause thats apparently how good of a job I did.
11. Im a cuddle slutI love to be cuddled and just heldits one of the best feelings ever.
12. This year was the first time that I have ever gotten 100% on a midterm in my four (currently taking #4) years of universityand it was in sedimentology of all subjects. Go figure
13. I love hunting and fishing. Last year was the first year that I missed whitetail season in about 9 or 10 years(yes I have been hunting since about 11 or so and before that I would always help dad out) and the only reason was because of schoolArgh I was so upset, I might miss it again this year too.sigh
14. I love to dance, pretty much any kind. I was in Ukrainian dancing for 14ish years, and ballet for about 4.
15. I have my Grade 2 Organ (I never took piano cuz I didnt like it as much), but I havent really had the opportunity to play anymore. I quite after that cuz my music teacher got into a really bad car accident and did teach anymore and I couldnt find anyone that I liked for a teacher.
16. Except for some reading right now and a couple of questions that I dont know how to answer on one of my labs, I think that Im actually all caught up with homeworkstrangeit feels kinda wrong though, I think that I should be doing something and Im not.
17. On the 6th its going to be 2 months for me and Derek, and it does but doesnt feel like its been that long. Granted Ive liked the guy for about 8 or 9 years and I think that hes liked me for about 3oh hes the oldest guy Ive dated (all the others we younger then me) and hes the guy that I have the best sex with
18. I have a very low tolerance to alcoholIve puked off of 3 coolers and for the most part I can go to the bar with $30 and come home with anywhere from $5 to $10 and I will generally be drunk.
19. I bite my lips when Im starting to get drunk and when Im drunk. I dont know they get numb so I feel the need to chew on them
20. I tried on a $3500 ring just for the hell of it. We were in a jewelry store the other day and asking about rings and pointing out which ones we liked and the guy pulled out this one that I liked and then said what the price wasI think that my jaw just about hit the floor.
21. It has taken me a really long time to realize that its what on the inside that counts and not whats on the outside.
22. Ive finally started feeling comfortable about the skin that Im in, and found that what other people think doesnt really matter as much as I thought it did. Ive become more confident about myself and I know that has finally paid off.
23. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. Im tossing up so many ideas its not even funny. Thank goodness I still have one more year of school. Right now, what Ive narrowed my options down to are Forensic science or Massage Therapy both of which Ive wanted to do for the last 4 or 5 years.forensics has been longer thats been about 6 or 7 years.
24. Im doing a double major (honours) in Archaeology and Biology and I have one more year left after this one.
25. Either way I look at it. Even after I graduate next year with my degrees at some point in time Im still going to have another 2 years of school to go through.
26. I have this strange fascination with guys arms, I dont know what it is about them, but if a guy what I consider really nice arms its a total turn on for me.
27. I love something about almost every season
Summer The fact that I can wear shorts, get a tan, fishing, quadding, and not having to put 50 layers on just to run out to the car (which is like 20 feet away)
Fall I love fall its my favorite season. Everything about itthe smell, the colours, the temperature (not hot and not cold), mmm harvest, I dont know its just the best time of year.
Winter The way snow falls, playing outside in the snow, sledding, hunting, fishing, having a cup of hot chocolate and being curled up in a blanket watching a movie while its snowing or after youve been outside all day.
Spring The green leaves and the fresh smell. Spring is one that I dont really care for much
28. I love Christmas but I hate how commercialized its become. Like really Halloween isnt even over and Ive seen Christmas stuff up like a week ago. I just love the traditions behind it. Like going to cut our own Christmas tree and decorating itall that kind of stuff.
29. I love rain.
30. I want more piercings and tattoos, but at the current moment don't entirely know what I want where...
31. My hairstyle changes pretty much everytime I go to the hairdresser, it may not be drastic, but it changes...
32. I get to go to a wedding in like two weeks and I found a dress that I fell in love with...now all I have to do is take a pic of me in it so that I can show everyone on here...I'll get there eventually.
33. Me and my roommate could pass for sisters in looks and personality...sometimes we're so much alike that it scares me. We even laugh the same sometimes...I mean exactly the same breathing and all.
Alright I think thats all Ive got for nowthere were a couple of others that I wanted to share but I just cant remember what they areI know Ill probably think of them later onbut I just had them and now I cant rememberahh fuck itthis will have to do. Aha and for tagging people...I'm gonna tag whoever hasn't done this yet.
1. Once in a while I like cheese whiz on my waffles or French toast
2. I like ketchup in homemade chicken noodle soup and only homemade soup.
3. I dont like chocolate (every once in a while is alright, but in all honesty its one of those things that you can forget)
4. I dislike rumthe only way that I will have some is if its vanilla flavoured and thats only a couple of sipsor if its in the rum cake that my mom makes.
5. I wear glasses
6. I think that Im probably hornier then most guys.
7. My story with my ex is quite a good one, we went out in grade 11 he cheated on me and then I went out with him againhow stupid can one person bewell that was definitely a good one, sometimes I really wonder what the fuck I saw in himnow the more I look at him and what not I keep thinking that hes such an asshole and I dont know why I ever went out with him a second time
8. I was in Air Cadets and Im think that next year Im going to get my paperwork done an become an officer.
9. I got a ticket for driving with undo care and attention, plus an extra year of probation and when I went to explain my situation to the SGI guy that does the interviews for the people on probation he told me that I never should have gotten the ticket because it wasnt my fault.
10. On that same note I defended myself in court for that and I was told by the 4 police officers there that I should consider a career in lawbecause thats apparently how good of a job I did.
11. Im a cuddle slutI love to be cuddled and just heldits one of the best feelings ever.
12. This year was the first time that I have ever gotten 100% on a midterm in my four (currently taking #4) years of universityand it was in sedimentology of all subjects. Go figure
13. I love hunting and fishing. Last year was the first year that I missed whitetail season in about 9 or 10 years(yes I have been hunting since about 11 or so and before that I would always help dad out) and the only reason was because of schoolArgh I was so upset, I might miss it again this year too.sigh
14. I love to dance, pretty much any kind. I was in Ukrainian dancing for 14ish years, and ballet for about 4.
15. I have my Grade 2 Organ (I never took piano cuz I didnt like it as much), but I havent really had the opportunity to play anymore. I quite after that cuz my music teacher got into a really bad car accident and did teach anymore and I couldnt find anyone that I liked for a teacher.
16. Except for some reading right now and a couple of questions that I dont know how to answer on one of my labs, I think that Im actually all caught up with homeworkstrangeit feels kinda wrong though, I think that I should be doing something and Im not.
17. On the 6th its going to be 2 months for me and Derek, and it does but doesnt feel like its been that long. Granted Ive liked the guy for about 8 or 9 years and I think that hes liked me for about 3oh hes the oldest guy Ive dated (all the others we younger then me) and hes the guy that I have the best sex with
18. I have a very low tolerance to alcoholIve puked off of 3 coolers and for the most part I can go to the bar with $30 and come home with anywhere from $5 to $10 and I will generally be drunk.
19. I bite my lips when Im starting to get drunk and when Im drunk. I dont know they get numb so I feel the need to chew on them
20. I tried on a $3500 ring just for the hell of it. We were in a jewelry store the other day and asking about rings and pointing out which ones we liked and the guy pulled out this one that I liked and then said what the price wasI think that my jaw just about hit the floor.
21. It has taken me a really long time to realize that its what on the inside that counts and not whats on the outside.
22. Ive finally started feeling comfortable about the skin that Im in, and found that what other people think doesnt really matter as much as I thought it did. Ive become more confident about myself and I know that has finally paid off.
23. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. Im tossing up so many ideas its not even funny. Thank goodness I still have one more year of school. Right now, what Ive narrowed my options down to are Forensic science or Massage Therapy both of which Ive wanted to do for the last 4 or 5 years.forensics has been longer thats been about 6 or 7 years.
24. Im doing a double major (honours) in Archaeology and Biology and I have one more year left after this one.
25. Either way I look at it. Even after I graduate next year with my degrees at some point in time Im still going to have another 2 years of school to go through.
26. I have this strange fascination with guys arms, I dont know what it is about them, but if a guy what I consider really nice arms its a total turn on for me.
27. I love something about almost every season
Summer The fact that I can wear shorts, get a tan, fishing, quadding, and not having to put 50 layers on just to run out to the car (which is like 20 feet away)
Fall I love fall its my favorite season. Everything about itthe smell, the colours, the temperature (not hot and not cold), mmm harvest, I dont know its just the best time of year.
Winter The way snow falls, playing outside in the snow, sledding, hunting, fishing, having a cup of hot chocolate and being curled up in a blanket watching a movie while its snowing or after youve been outside all day.
Spring The green leaves and the fresh smell. Spring is one that I dont really care for much
28. I love Christmas but I hate how commercialized its become. Like really Halloween isnt even over and Ive seen Christmas stuff up like a week ago. I just love the traditions behind it. Like going to cut our own Christmas tree and decorating itall that kind of stuff.
29. I love rain.
30. I want more piercings and tattoos, but at the current moment don't entirely know what I want where...
31. My hairstyle changes pretty much everytime I go to the hairdresser, it may not be drastic, but it changes...
32. I get to go to a wedding in like two weeks and I found a dress that I fell in love with...now all I have to do is take a pic of me in it so that I can show everyone on here...I'll get there eventually.
33. Me and my roommate could pass for sisters in looks and personality...sometimes we're so much alike that it scares me. We even laugh the same sometimes...I mean exactly the same breathing and all.
Alright I think thats all Ive got for nowthere were a couple of others that I wanted to share but I just cant remember what they areI know Ill probably think of them later onbut I just had them and now I cant rememberahh fuck itthis will have to do. Aha and for tagging people...I'm gonna tag whoever hasn't done this yet.
I love guys hands more than their arms, becausehands can do so much you know
? I could never accomplish as much schooling as you have, that amazing. I just can't seem to concentrate, especially on something like sedimentology for gosh sakes! I'm a very cheap date to. I once puked from two caramel apple mixed drinks, that may have been related to the absurd amount of sugar but I was still drunk off of my ass too. Good luck with your buy Derek, great sex always makes a relationship more enjoyable

You soooo went over 20 things. You've apparently met yourself before.