Member Since 2013

Reboot, root, and chroot


ArchARM on HUAWEI U9200 (Ascend P1) featuring LXDE

Sorry for commenting on this a little late - last time SG was down for maintenance just when I wanted to write (once again :/). Anyway, I found a great tutorial on building an Arch chroot on ARM powered devices in the forums on . My Phone is powered by a Texas Instruments OMAP 4460 processor so I chose the package to get started with. It's really fun to try although it might get a little tricky from time to time. I put the image on my external sd card, and my phone had a hard time extracting the .tgz archive. So I did that on my laptop instead and reinserted the card into the phone. When I then installed further packages through pacman, i.e. lxde and tigervnc, it crashed a couple of times again and I had to fix the file system and manually delete pacman's db lock file, overwrite files, force reinstallation and so on. But as you can see in the first screenshot, the result is beautiful - and I could even capture the image through scrot from within the phone without the graphical glitches! I guess it's reading a different buffer than the Android apps, but I don't know much about it. I'm just happy it worked.
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