Member Since 2013

Bria on Arch Linux


I finally got Bria running on Arch Linux 64-bit! :)

This was a real mess! I have really spent some hours getting things to work this time. Here's my 10-step-recipe: 1. Install dpkg. CounterPath offers 64-bit and 32-bit .deb packages. Accept it so far. 2. Install Bria 64-bit with all force flags: # dpkg -i Bria_3.2_68886_Ubuntu_amd64.deb --force-all 3. Exec Bria. Freak out because Bria doesn't seem to find some libs that *do* exist. [see 1st screenshot] 4. Run # file /usr/bin/bria to find out that the so-called "64-bit version" is an ELF 32-bit LSB executable. Freak out again. dpkg --info on the .deb file shows its dependencies on the respective 32-bit-libs as well. 5. Trace libs with # ldd /usr/bin/bria - some nerds search for books in a library. I prefer looking for whole libraries. Woohoo! [see 2nd screenshot for a before-after-comparison] 6. Find the correct libs through yaourt/pacman. Install from AUR: # yaourt lib32-gconf lib32-libxslt lib32-libidn lib32-libltdl 7. Freak out because gconf pulls in a hundred other dependencies and the compiler keeps on running for an hour. 8. Run ldd again to confirm all the libs can be located now. 9. Run Bria. Enter license key. Set up SIP account. Do a test call with g/f. Add STUN server configuration if inbound calls don't work properly. Make another test call. 10. Be happy and cool because everything works now! 8) By the way: On request the CounterPath support team answered me that Bria is only supported on Ubuntu systems. That's plainly bullshit since the ABI is the same - all you need is the correct libraries of course.
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