Mmmmmm two years away and I see that nothing has really changed much in here. LOL like I should talk. I still sell video games, play way too many myself (my personal crack is Rock Band at the moment) stilll commute into the city everyday and still find myself searching for a perfect gal.
well made it through the holidays alive. Barely, but alive, since I got a XBox 360 and no job I spent far too many hours playing.

Landing the newest job and started last week. All I will say is "thankyou, come again"

Other than that nuthin much news, other than I'm in too many LARPS at once, Paragons is falling apart for lack of my...
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gawd, I forgot how long I was away from here. I see the local SG community is all but gone. Thats no good.

Nuthin much new here in the year, changed jobs, changed relationships, but it all seems the same.
Thank God I'm back smile

Almost didn't make it. But my summer of bad luck continues. For those that missed me, here's the dirt.

At the "ripe old age" of 30, I was rushed to the hospital with the warning signs of a gad damn heart attack. I kid you not. Turned out that they got to me in time, and were able to lower my...
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holy shit dude, that sounds rough! glad you're ok though.
What can I say, when i does rain it pours for me. Just found out that 2 outta 3 of my roomies are deadbeats
Maybe, just maybe my luck has finally started to turn around. Since the last entry of doom I've; moved from nights to days at my main job, found a 2nd job, got my house fixed up, found 0% financing for my car repairs. Now if only my love life / personal life would look up! But isn't that too much too ask for?!?!
Thanks for the warning Amethyst, but it was a lil late. About 12 hours late in fact. frown
it's awesome when things go right
well, my week might be looking up....

Got a line on a new engine smile

but $1600 frown

Got a line on a mechanic smile

but $600 frown

and gonna get a bill for "Dangerous Goods Clean Up" of the highway....

$500 for 6 liters of oil.

What can I say, if I didn't have bad luck.........
man, get a bus pass! lol this just doesn't seem worth it any more!
Without bad luck, life might be boring

So after a total awesome week, my weekend has sucked ass hardcore.

Went to see the SGB at New City on Friday night. (Awesome show girls) The James Bond tribute was amazing, and Pearl stole the show a few times with laughs.

But anyways, so my car goes and decides to blow up on Sunday afternoon. No shitting!! Driving down the road, no warning, just...
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hey, did we meet at the burlesque?

sounds scary, I'm glad you didn't get hurt. eeek
my myeeek, your a lucky one!