A pretty awful Christmas (oops...sory! "Holiday") office party this evening. Only half the company showed up, and all they played for two straight hours was 80's pop. At least there was an open bar...
I really dislike awkward gatherings like this one. You can't socialize like you normally would around friends or acquaintences. With every VP and manager milling around, I felt constricted to the... Read More
I loved it. It was a surreal experience. I almost felt like I was watching a documentary at times. After the movie ended, the whole audience was uncharacteristically silent. It was like everyone was still taking it all in. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was amazing.
Got a cheap ticket to South Carolina today...It'll be hot and muggy in August, but at least I'll get to see Charleston again. I miss the south...maybe I should move back permanently
The city of Portland has been virtually shut down since Tuesday morning. At first I thought it would be fun to stay home from work...finish some good novels, watch a few movies...but I am going nuts!
Cabin fever has set in, and it's just me, the cat, and hour upon hour of useless TV coverage of rotten weather. If it weren't for coffee and the... Read More
so did you survive the ice storms? i used the off-time to do....absolutely nothing. it has been so long since i did nothing. nothing felt fantastic. i must say i became quite good at doing nothing - i might try out for the marathon.
A clever quote for the little Buddhist in all of us:
"To be a human is easy, to live a human life is hard; to desire to be human a second time is even harder. If you want release from the wheel, persevere."
I lay in bed last night with dark thoughts tumbling through my head. It usually starts out very simply, thinking about finances and bills and such. Then it progresses to how I'm doing at work, which of course leads to where I am professionally. Of course the next logical step is thinking about WHERE I am in life. How did I... Read More
I responded to your etymology comment in the comment section of my own journal (because it is quite long, doesn't have anything to do with what you've written here in your journal, so I thought it would be better to put it there). Go take a look! Thanks for paying attention.