well, what's done is done and you can not redo the past. but make your future brighter. i'm finally learning this even though it sucks. you try so hard to not relive things you've done in the past, but they come up and bite you in the ass again and again. we all make mistakes. and we all pay for them. sooner or later. karma is a bitch. i dont believe i've made any mistakes as of yet, but i do have a few regrets. sometimes you just cant help how you are or how you feel.
and well, whats done is done and you can not redo the past.
and well, whats done is done and you can not redo the past.
there are reasons for that, and it has nothing to do with you, when I see ya online ill throw my cell number at ya... so we can talk, been really busy with screamline and my real job... kinda hard to have any sort of a social life, tho I do get to goto Baltimore in October
hope things get better, I'm terrible at the comments thing.