so, the past 24 hours have been the most fucked up ever.
night. talked to cute boy (akaGreasin56) for hours.
morning. on the way to cute boys house i got into an accident and I got cited for unsafe lane changes when i wasnt changing lanes. yeah. figure that one out.
afternoon. got to hang out with the most amazing guy ever.
night. still hanging with the most amazing guy ever and just took my hour drive back home a few mins ago.
what an insane chain of events. yet, all in all, as weird as it may sound, through all the shit that happened before i got out to canton, it sure as hell was one of the best nights ever.
called about the ticket. 67 motha fuckin dollars! no wonder they have a quota of tickets to do monthly.
night. talked to cute boy (akaGreasin56) for hours.
morning. on the way to cute boys house i got into an accident and I got cited for unsafe lane changes when i wasnt changing lanes. yeah. figure that one out.
afternoon. got to hang out with the most amazing guy ever.
night. still hanging with the most amazing guy ever and just took my hour drive back home a few mins ago.
what an insane chain of events. yet, all in all, as weird as it may sound, through all the shit that happened before i got out to canton, it sure as hell was one of the best nights ever.
called about the ticket. 67 motha fuckin dollars! no wonder they have a quota of tickets to do monthly.
Glad you had fun though