so la la la. yesterday kinda sucked. i had to work with my ... well we never broke up but... kinda X? and he left for georgia today and i wont see him for months and that's good. but he was a total dick to me last night talking about how he's got 'hoes in diff. area codes.' singing or not he still sucks. anyone wanna beat him up? hehe
AFTER work was lovely though. missberniecame over with muffin and she was cute as hell. she and my puppy (who muffin can fit in her head twice) had a lotta fun. and me n brenda stayed up WAY too long talking about philisophical things, and religion, and boys, and a whole shit ton of stuff. it's now 330pm. cuz we didnt get to bed till about 5am. though i did wake up at 8am when she let muffin on the bed and she came and was eating my eye and ear. jesus christ is she the cutest thing ever!!!!

AFTER work was lovely though. missberniecame over with muffin and she was cute as hell. she and my puppy (who muffin can fit in her head twice) had a lotta fun. and me n brenda stayed up WAY too long talking about philisophical things, and religion, and boys, and a whole shit ton of stuff. it's now 330pm. cuz we didnt get to bed till about 5am. though i did wake up at 8am when she let muffin on the bed and she came and was eating my eye and ear. jesus christ is she the cutest thing ever!!!!
I'm kinda weak though... I dont know how much help i'd be
I wanna see more pics of your new ink! Me Likie a lot...