so this weekend was a blast at missbernie's bday partay. akron times on fri and cbus times on sat. we had a huge group go out and on sat for dinner we went to some sushi place and i got two haiku's from missbernie and prosiac_muse here they go
Deb has sweet needles
She knits like a mad woman
She can knit your smile
hey swimming graceful green fish
where are you heading down the river
are you lonely by yourself.
i tried sushi for the first time. it's not that bad and micah taught me how to use chop sticks on my mango chicken. it rawked. now the rice will take some practice. anyhow i got super drunk and got to hang out with my buddy tj who i never get to hang out with anymore. he's not on the site yet but maybe one of these days. brenda's birthday was a blast and it was great seeing all of you guys again.
i'm sick as fuck. i've had a temp of 100.+ so not fun. i worked untill i couldnt work anymore tonight. my arms actually kept giving out
i need to go to the docs which i hate going to cuz i'm allergic to all antibiotics anyhow. not fun. bah.
anyhow, la de da de. lets ask some questions:
1.) what's your most favorite item ever?
2.) do you like shots, beer, or wine.
3.) if you could be anyone for a day, who would it be.
Deb has sweet needles
She knits like a mad woman
She can knit your smile
hey swimming graceful green fish
where are you heading down the river
are you lonely by yourself.
i tried sushi for the first time. it's not that bad and micah taught me how to use chop sticks on my mango chicken. it rawked. now the rice will take some practice. anyhow i got super drunk and got to hang out with my buddy tj who i never get to hang out with anymore. he's not on the site yet but maybe one of these days. brenda's birthday was a blast and it was great seeing all of you guys again.

i'm sick as fuck. i've had a temp of 100.+ so not fun. i worked untill i couldnt work anymore tonight. my arms actually kept giving out

anyhow, la de da de. lets ask some questions:
1.) what's your most favorite item ever?
2.) do you like shots, beer, or wine.
3.) if you could be anyone for a day, who would it be.
he's a boy, and he's your friend.... boyfriend