so bento's rocked again. no pics though cuz my cam. was left back at the homestead. met some more really cool people. always fun goin to cbus.
i'm so pooped. this trip was only 375miles round trip which is less than all the others i've taken outt here but phew. i dont wanna go to work today
i ended up stayin up even later to make micah's wrist warmers that i got done last night. i'm gettin super fast. a pair used to take me 5 hours and i think his took... 2 1/2-3?
not too shabby
o nly two more days till brenda's bday party. who's all commin??
heidinessdid my eyes for me lsat night. this is what they looked like : *might i just add fuckin sweet?
by the way sorry if you got deleted, i got rid of a bunch of names who i either didnt know who you were, never talk to, or.... yeah. so .. sorry if i made a mistake
i'm so pooped. this trip was only 375miles round trip which is less than all the others i've taken outt here but phew. i dont wanna go to work today

i ended up stayin up even later to make micah's wrist warmers that i got done last night. i'm gettin super fast. a pair used to take me 5 hours and i think his took... 2 1/2-3?
not too shabby

o nly two more days till brenda's bday party. who's all commin??

heidinessdid my eyes for me lsat night. this is what they looked like : *might i just add fuckin sweet?

by the way sorry if you got deleted, i got rid of a bunch of names who i either didnt know who you were, never talk to, or.... yeah. so .. sorry if i made a mistake

Seems like everyone is talking of moving to Columbus these days....