so new years was fun. i went to prosiac_muse's with missbernie, patch, shabbydo, and pOgO. it was fun times. got to meet some pretty fun people.
and i have to admit norritt is one talented man. i had the privlidge of havin him draw me. it totally rawked.
today me and shabbydo went to go see darkness. it was pretty okay. he didnt like it though
anywho. i'm still in cbus cuz i just never made it home yet. i cant wait to move here. anyway, hope everyone had a great new years. mine was wonderful and i brought the new year in with all of my favorite people.
my wish list
by the way, this is what the road looked like on the way to C-bus
little bit of an update: my 4 day vacation just ended and i haveta go to work in an hour or two. 600miles really poops ya out. it was fun as hell though.
i still have to add this: just cuz it's so great:
mr. marquise... oh how i love you so:
and i have to admit norritt is one talented man. i had the privlidge of havin him draw me. it totally rawked.
today me and shabbydo went to go see darkness. it was pretty okay. he didnt like it though

anywho. i'm still in cbus cuz i just never made it home yet. i cant wait to move here. anyway, hope everyone had a great new years. mine was wonderful and i brought the new year in with all of my favorite people.
my wish list
by the way, this is what the road looked like on the way to C-bus

little bit of an update: my 4 day vacation just ended and i haveta go to work in an hour or two. 600miles really poops ya out. it was fun as hell though.
i still have to add this: just cuz it's so great:
mr. marquise... oh how i love you so:


details for my gallery opening in my journal... i would love to see you there...