i am bored again.
i work 6 days a week now. 4 days off a month.
it's insane.
but i'll finally catch up on bills n shit.
and be able to hopefully get an apt all to myself.
being able to walk around naked all the time will be the best thing in the world.
and not having to worry bout wakin up roomates.
now to just figure out where to get an apt before i go off to college wherever n whenever that may be. who knows. ive already had... almost 5 yrs off school. it'll be tough getin back into the swing of things. or maybe i'll just stay cookin. easy money. and i get to not have to cover my tatts up and goof off a lot.
who knows what will come.
i am bored again.
i work 6 days a week now. 4 days off a month.
it's insane.
but i'll finally catch up on bills n shit.
and be able to hopefully get an apt all to myself.
being able to walk around naked all the time will be the best thing in the world.
and not having to worry bout wakin up roomates.
now to just figure out where to get an apt before i go off to college wherever n whenever that may be. who knows. ive already had... almost 5 yrs off school. it'll be tough getin back into the swing of things. or maybe i'll just stay cookin. easy money. and i get to not have to cover my tatts up and goof off a lot.
who knows what will come.

damn working all the time!
i'll be home the last weekend of the month for my friends bachelorette party and for her wedding oct 21st. hopefully, i'll get to spend a little more than just one night home