got a new job.
start thursday.
funeral was today. . . (see last post if youre wondering)
um, ive come to the realization i will probably never understand men.
i'm thinking about either moving to columbus, pittsburgh, or somewhere in canada.
everyone has a story. why not tell me yours?
edited because i suck. sorry~
start thursday.
funeral was today. . . (see last post if youre wondering)
um, ive come to the realization i will probably never understand men.
i'm thinking about either moving to columbus, pittsburgh, or somewhere in canada.
everyone has a story. why not tell me yours?
edited because i suck. sorry~

Columbus is nice...but why don't you like Cleveland?

Columbus or Pittsburgh are both nice. I like the big college atmosphere of Columbus though as a Pittsburgher i cannot really admit to liking anything in Ohio hehehe. Try Pittsburgh if you're thinking of a new local. If things are anywhere close to what they were like when i left, they seem to have a good SG group there. Why not give it a whirl.