After near-fatal car crashes, I like to wind down with some morphine and a nice long stay in the hospital. That really takes the edge off. Nothing delights a ruptured kidney and liver, five broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and possible spinal injury like a cute young nurse coming to put my catheter in. Yes indeedy, it's a vacation from the ordinary! Since that day about two months ago I've been convalescing at home with a neck brace and painful ribs. The ribs are coming along, and the only pain in my neck is wearing this damn collar. In four days I go back to find out whether or not I can take it off. I've been lifting weights and playing guitar, so neither my strength nor my dexterity has taken a hit, a good indication that I've done no nerve damage (except for sleeping in this thing, which is on my last nerve). I should be in fine fettle for my friend's wedding. And I've found out that I'm not invincible. I'm only really really good looking.
there really is. otherwise i wouldnt be naked on here, ha!
that's why you need soo bad to to apply here as a model