About Mother Fuckin Time. EL SUICIDO LOCO yesir
I am so drunk right now. I've been drunk this whole Huricane. Fuck the World. and i need a picture ARRR!!!

Why is it so hard to find a piture that is less the 100kb? ARRR!!!
Whata bad day. I feel like i've been in a coma for the last two months, Had a dream that was really good. Then woke up to a shit life, that has moved on without me. Fuck it, if I had a bad day that's one thing but i'm not going to have a bad night. I'm going to get shitfaced.

PS. I'm not a...
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Going home to get my Car today. "Do know when I'll be back again." I think Saterday, but I don't know. But I have a shit load of thinks to do when I get back... I like get into UNCW, before it's too late. I'm such a fuck up. lol. frown
Second day of school. Have I been on campus yet... No. WTF Mate. frown
Fuck Why did i have to come home. I was so Gellin, Now am about to be Mellin. Fuck the World.
hmm...you dont get an approval from me till you tell me who you are!
Last day At SilverLake. I'm sad. Really Really Sad. But Fuck it I"m going to England in December so I'll see tons of people when I go. frown frown biggrin
So Yeah.We Won Color War. And the difference in score was less then 10. I think it was 584-576. I love that. After a Day and a half of getting our asses kicked. On the last day everything worked out. wink And my Cheer Won and Brad's song lost. AGAIN. He is a good dude but just don't fuck with my cheer.