I've decided that I need to get a camera to take pictures of all the random funny crap that I see around town. Thr latest event I wanted a camera for: Driving down Division street and see a van pulled over selling cherries. As usual there were people out front holding signs to get cars to pull over. The signs were all being held by teenage girls in shorts that were far to small and said "Fresh cherries for sale! So yummy!" Kinda mage me twinge in a funny place before I realized they were much too young for me.
Hey...Great White is coming to town to play. Half off tickets at the door if you bring your own fire extinguisher.
Hey...Great White is coming to town to play. Half off tickets at the door if you bring your own fire extinguisher.
thanks so much for reading the article and all ur suport!!! Kim is a great gal and i love to see my felllow spokanites rally for her!!! our group (www.stoptheclock.org) plans on getting more involved with legilation regarding transgendered issues! Oh and we do WIB another protest thursdays at 6 in front of city hall thanks again!