12AM- Stark Revelations at the Gold Coast Casino
I was on my third Newcastle when you told me your theory on fate, and how everything you hold dear was most likely gained through some bizarre twist or some grand catastrophe that unexpectedly ended-up in your favor And though slightly disjointed, I couldnt help but feel a great sadness from the many implications this stark revelation held, not just for the future, but this very second And this very carcinogenic-smoke-filled hall where countless clinks, plinks, and ca-chinks rattle dingy yellow wallpaper, jingle off the ash-covered floor, and ring out through musty air, nothing more than tarnished coins dancing around inside a stale shoebox.
I was on my third Newcastle when you told me your theory on fate, and how everything you hold dear was most likely gained through some bizarre twist or some grand catastrophe that unexpectedly ended-up in your favor And though slightly disjointed, I couldnt help but feel a great sadness from the many implications this stark revelation held, not just for the future, but this very second And this very carcinogenic-smoke-filled hall where countless clinks, plinks, and ca-chinks rattle dingy yellow wallpaper, jingle off the ash-covered floor, and ring out through musty air, nothing more than tarnished coins dancing around inside a stale shoebox.
you're so pretty.
Hello you!