i had a good fucking night last night... a few things went wrong with the CD players in the studio and it decided to remix 2 of my songs but it's okies i caught them and had backups. it was cool i was alittle nervous through the show but i got a lot of great feedback from friends who were listening.
ok.. i'm pissed due to childish drama comming from the topic of the Utah rave bust... but you know what.. it's my fucking journal isnt it...
The Utah Rave.. where to fucking begin.. ok first off i still have yet to see any sufficient evidence to prove police brutality or injustice... their laws say you have to have a proper permit in order to hold an event of 250+ people be it on private or public property this is for the safety of the public and anyone with half an imagination can figure how a crowd of 250+ people can run the risk of getting out of hand... there is no proof of said permit they had the insurance blah blah the legal and liability crap out of the way but no way to prove they had the proper permit to have such a large gathering... even though everyone wants to believe their friends and comrads who say the document was present and was torn out of the producers hands and ripped up.. one has to ask themselves didnt the guy have a copy? a reciept? any documentation? in my opinion i see no problem with the police crashing this rave based on the soul fact that no documentation can be found to prove such a permit was given... (feel free to throw in your own conspiracy theory as i know many of you will)
the security.. it was said that the security guards were all arrested for possession.. i used to be a concert security guard and you learn in your basic class D license class that you are not authorized to deal with drugs ect.. thats what the police are for.. off duty does not count they have to be active duty police officers in order to arrest the fuckups who bring guns and knives (which were present at said rave) and to handle filing away / disposing of the drugs..
the video.. it proves nothing more than the event did happen and there were actual swat and k9 units on the scene and a helicopter... there is no footage of tear gas or the use of assault rifles on the crowd.. there is no footage of a guy being kicked or over excessive use of force you may think the people on the ground are getting beat up with the 3-4 guys holding them down but ya know what THEY ARE RESISTING ARREST!!!... i have experience with this and flat out i hate dealing with druggies when i'm on the job no matter the fucking substance if they resist they dont do it "peacefully" it never is...
as for all the personal accounts of the incident this makes me believe that yes some of the things posted are real and did happen.. the guy with the huge bruise over his back who knows maybe it was done by swat but you also have to question what did he do to make the swat do that to him? i thought at first no one can be so naive as to believe that he did nothing and got his ass kicked.. again i do not doubt that some folks might of gotten roughed up pritty bad, but in the end you have to ask how many people died from it and how many people probably deserved it... imagine some dude all fucked up on cocaine (or any other drug) and you come in with the swat team and he doesnt want to stop partying do you seriously think he's just going to walk to his car and not do something fuckin retarded?...
the famous "why us"... ok eletronic music may be getting a bad wrap with being related to controled substance abuse but it's not just you guys so stop with the middle child syndrome and get over it.. back when korn was still touring follow the leader it was expected that 2 people would die per sold out show.. and Rob Zombie it was expected that a dozen or more women would be raped during his set per sold out show... get over yourselves on that bullshit because i've seen plenty of people ODing at metal/punk/rap you name it concerts... every music scene has its faults the electronic scene just happens to be related to MDMA...
and speaking of which... i see all these posts about oh my god the country is falling appart and that crap and oh shit those poor bastards their party got ruined but i think i only saw 1 or 2 comments about the 1 girl found over dosing who was rushed to the hospital..
lets see hmmm... 60+ people or so in jail for carrying guns, drugs, and fighting the cops... and 1 girl who gets to see her family tonight and not have had permanent brain damage or died while everyone else was having a good time... i think it sounds like a fair trade..
some folks claim this has everything to do with our current democracy... well i know it's not perfect.. i'm not saying it is anywhere near it.. but i think we all know the laws and know the risks we take before we break them... and from what i see the majority of people throwing the hype and fear around are the ones not seeing the event clearly from both sides... sure it was a shitty night but there are always 3 sides to the story... theirs.. yours.. and the truth...
myself.. i remain skeptical and will watch as it unfolds more
ok.. i'm pissed due to childish drama comming from the topic of the Utah rave bust... but you know what.. it's my fucking journal isnt it...
The Utah Rave.. where to fucking begin.. ok first off i still have yet to see any sufficient evidence to prove police brutality or injustice... their laws say you have to have a proper permit in order to hold an event of 250+ people be it on private or public property this is for the safety of the public and anyone with half an imagination can figure how a crowd of 250+ people can run the risk of getting out of hand... there is no proof of said permit they had the insurance blah blah the legal and liability crap out of the way but no way to prove they had the proper permit to have such a large gathering... even though everyone wants to believe their friends and comrads who say the document was present and was torn out of the producers hands and ripped up.. one has to ask themselves didnt the guy have a copy? a reciept? any documentation? in my opinion i see no problem with the police crashing this rave based on the soul fact that no documentation can be found to prove such a permit was given... (feel free to throw in your own conspiracy theory as i know many of you will)
the security.. it was said that the security guards were all arrested for possession.. i used to be a concert security guard and you learn in your basic class D license class that you are not authorized to deal with drugs ect.. thats what the police are for.. off duty does not count they have to be active duty police officers in order to arrest the fuckups who bring guns and knives (which were present at said rave) and to handle filing away / disposing of the drugs..
the video.. it proves nothing more than the event did happen and there were actual swat and k9 units on the scene and a helicopter... there is no footage of tear gas or the use of assault rifles on the crowd.. there is no footage of a guy being kicked or over excessive use of force you may think the people on the ground are getting beat up with the 3-4 guys holding them down but ya know what THEY ARE RESISTING ARREST!!!... i have experience with this and flat out i hate dealing with druggies when i'm on the job no matter the fucking substance if they resist they dont do it "peacefully" it never is...
as for all the personal accounts of the incident this makes me believe that yes some of the things posted are real and did happen.. the guy with the huge bruise over his back who knows maybe it was done by swat but you also have to question what did he do to make the swat do that to him? i thought at first no one can be so naive as to believe that he did nothing and got his ass kicked.. again i do not doubt that some folks might of gotten roughed up pritty bad, but in the end you have to ask how many people died from it and how many people probably deserved it... imagine some dude all fucked up on cocaine (or any other drug) and you come in with the swat team and he doesnt want to stop partying do you seriously think he's just going to walk to his car and not do something fuckin retarded?...
the famous "why us"... ok eletronic music may be getting a bad wrap with being related to controled substance abuse but it's not just you guys so stop with the middle child syndrome and get over it.. back when korn was still touring follow the leader it was expected that 2 people would die per sold out show.. and Rob Zombie it was expected that a dozen or more women would be raped during his set per sold out show... get over yourselves on that bullshit because i've seen plenty of people ODing at metal/punk/rap you name it concerts... every music scene has its faults the electronic scene just happens to be related to MDMA...
and speaking of which... i see all these posts about oh my god the country is falling appart and that crap and oh shit those poor bastards their party got ruined but i think i only saw 1 or 2 comments about the 1 girl found over dosing who was rushed to the hospital..
lets see hmmm... 60+ people or so in jail for carrying guns, drugs, and fighting the cops... and 1 girl who gets to see her family tonight and not have had permanent brain damage or died while everyone else was having a good time... i think it sounds like a fair trade..
some folks claim this has everything to do with our current democracy... well i know it's not perfect.. i'm not saying it is anywhere near it.. but i think we all know the laws and know the risks we take before we break them... and from what i see the majority of people throwing the hype and fear around are the ones not seeing the event clearly from both sides... sure it was a shitty night but there are always 3 sides to the story... theirs.. yours.. and the truth...
myself.. i remain skeptical and will watch as it unfolds more
as i sit here the day after i posted this journal i kind of laugh to myself because every person who has messaged me in responce to this has been so pissed off about me being so "naive" that they will give me one glory speech about how i'm just a tool/robot/conservative... and they will not discuss the situation so i now accept the fact that these people care of nothing but themselves and believe their own opinions to be the only ones worth hearing so anyone who finds my right to disagree with the seemingly so popular constitutional injustice view of this event offencive you are more than free to unfriend me as one already has and for those who are not my friends and still contact me... go fuck yourselves if you dont want to speak to me with equality..