well the itchetucknee trip kinda sucked.. but eh what can ya expect going doing a river when its raining <shrugs> we only went to the midway point n it was getting pritty bad so we just called it quits there n went n got lunch n headed home..
i met my friend marks girlfriend the other day and she thinks she can drink all of us under the table so looks like i got a challenge on my hands we'll see how that works out
my professor in math had a stroke, poor guy, so now we have this other professro filling in for the last 2 and a half weeks of an 8 week semester and she is a hardass so joyous day the class just got rougher.. i got a B n all that crap in it but i could really use the A to bring up my GPA
and as usual like i do every wednesday its writers club night at fuel good times indeed says i, we are still working on our compilation but i think we'll have it done really soon, we're going to attack the school club director for the money he owes us for running the club we get a guaranteed hundred or so shmakah's so we can donate that to getting it published..
well i'm off to work then fuel to get my buzz going.. hope everyone is having a good time and are in good health, take it easy
i met my friend marks girlfriend the other day and she thinks she can drink all of us under the table so looks like i got a challenge on my hands we'll see how that works out
my professor in math had a stroke, poor guy, so now we have this other professro filling in for the last 2 and a half weeks of an 8 week semester and she is a hardass so joyous day the class just got rougher.. i got a B n all that crap in it but i could really use the A to bring up my GPA
and as usual like i do every wednesday its writers club night at fuel good times indeed says i, we are still working on our compilation but i think we'll have it done really soon, we're going to attack the school club director for the money he owes us for running the club we get a guaranteed hundred or so shmakah's so we can donate that to getting it published..
well i'm off to work then fuel to get my buzz going.. hope everyone is having a good time and are in good health, take it easy
hey call me...my sim card got fucked up a while ago so I don't have anyone's number, we should hang out sometime for real