woohoo glad single awareness day is over till next year!
i got hugs n kisses from a buncha folks and a bit of candy but nothing special i sat up late and watched Secretary, that had to be one of the hottest movies i have ever seen in my life...
so yeah i'm at school working on another piece as usual alil tired but insomnia's a bitch what are ya gonna do
hope everyone had a great V-Day and are doing well..
Who are they to speak ill of that which they
Once held such passion and lust for
Evident as ever they still pine for her,
Thus the childish syndrome
An endless array of derogatory slurs
Flow forth from their ignorance
They had no right to be so privileged
To hold her so close and contaminate her quality
Though her youth did allow such trash to advance
She was not unaware of her actions, but merely shameless..
Shameless and without knowledge of her beauty beyond the flesh
They would not know her this way for though shameless
She was not one to expose her true self so promiscuously
For those who did see her true nourishing beauty
They were left in wonder and heart broken
For she would not give her heart to one who did not understand
And the ignorant far outnumbered the educated..
She was a succubus to so many
But an angelic misunderstanding to a new eye
Take advantage not of her body
Though radiant and painfully beautiful
Hold close ones own weaknesses
And reveal not the true pleasure of her company right away..
Listen not to the sullying of her name
More and more commonly heart with time
She was young and vibrant out to discover and explore
They were too blinded by opened eyes and closed minds
And the train wreck of an unguarded heart and opened pants..
On the other hand relax and with mutual respect
Enjoy her company day to day
No thoughts to distain her
No premature contemplations of love
Only led by ones own interest in her
For with time and experience one learns
To keep an open mind and closed heart
Not to reject all forms of love
But to save what limited supply of true love is left..
But as for the maiden.. Have interest and hope
But know only.. time will tell
i got hugs n kisses from a buncha folks and a bit of candy but nothing special i sat up late and watched Secretary, that had to be one of the hottest movies i have ever seen in my life...
so yeah i'm at school working on another piece as usual alil tired but insomnia's a bitch what are ya gonna do
hope everyone had a great V-Day and are doing well..
Who are they to speak ill of that which they
Once held such passion and lust for
Evident as ever they still pine for her,
Thus the childish syndrome
An endless array of derogatory slurs
Flow forth from their ignorance
They had no right to be so privileged
To hold her so close and contaminate her quality
Though her youth did allow such trash to advance
She was not unaware of her actions, but merely shameless..
Shameless and without knowledge of her beauty beyond the flesh
They would not know her this way for though shameless
She was not one to expose her true self so promiscuously
For those who did see her true nourishing beauty
They were left in wonder and heart broken
For she would not give her heart to one who did not understand
And the ignorant far outnumbered the educated..
She was a succubus to so many
But an angelic misunderstanding to a new eye
Take advantage not of her body
Though radiant and painfully beautiful
Hold close ones own weaknesses
And reveal not the true pleasure of her company right away..
Listen not to the sullying of her name
More and more commonly heart with time
She was young and vibrant out to discover and explore
They were too blinded by opened eyes and closed minds
And the train wreck of an unguarded heart and opened pants..
On the other hand relax and with mutual respect
Enjoy her company day to day
No thoughts to distain her
No premature contemplations of love
Only led by ones own interest in her
For with time and experience one learns
To keep an open mind and closed heart
Not to reject all forms of love
But to save what limited supply of true love is left..
But as for the maiden.. Have interest and hope
But know only.. time will tell