on a lighter note i wrote a poem today at school n like i said i'll be posting random stuff on here that i write cause well.. i'm a writer... it's what i want to do with my life...
"Star light"
A single spark in the nights sky beaming down through your pupils but un noticed when competing with ever closer planets or others of greater brilliance and sheen
Laying in fields of nature so far from the pollution of artificiality you can view all clearly and even cast your gaze to meet my own
Envy is a true destroyer of worlds.. for when your gaze shifts to another my beam diminishes slightly my jealousy enrages my flame and vital essence that should be held within moderation is burned before reason can catch up and i hold together to replenish now a meer dot in the sky instead of a ornament in the heavens reaching out with my bands to find my hearts desire...
Long gone now eyes no longer to portray the speckle of light i shine from the gloss and though my rays can still be seen by others i am not really there but extinguished and waiting for the last stream of light shown through my heart to reach earth only to find empty fields and glowing eyes gazing up at other illuminations...
"What I Saw.."
Reflecting bliss in thy pupils
Eyes as deep as there is darkness between stars
Crippling the souls of those who dare behold them
Lips envoking life long courtship
And willful sacrifice to meerly observe a moment longer
Impressing the vision of the softest petals blooming and glissening with evening dew
A smile scourns all comprehendable joy
More worthy of praise than the dieties of old
With only a glance thine image haunts the minds of mortals
Forever to rest in the subconcious as a recurring view of pure rapture...
"Star light"
A single spark in the nights sky beaming down through your pupils but un noticed when competing with ever closer planets or others of greater brilliance and sheen
Laying in fields of nature so far from the pollution of artificiality you can view all clearly and even cast your gaze to meet my own
Envy is a true destroyer of worlds.. for when your gaze shifts to another my beam diminishes slightly my jealousy enrages my flame and vital essence that should be held within moderation is burned before reason can catch up and i hold together to replenish now a meer dot in the sky instead of a ornament in the heavens reaching out with my bands to find my hearts desire...
Long gone now eyes no longer to portray the speckle of light i shine from the gloss and though my rays can still be seen by others i am not really there but extinguished and waiting for the last stream of light shown through my heart to reach earth only to find empty fields and glowing eyes gazing up at other illuminations...
"What I Saw.."
Reflecting bliss in thy pupils
Eyes as deep as there is darkness between stars
Crippling the souls of those who dare behold them
Lips envoking life long courtship
And willful sacrifice to meerly observe a moment longer
Impressing the vision of the softest petals blooming and glissening with evening dew
A smile scourns all comprehendable joy
More worthy of praise than the dieties of old
With only a glance thine image haunts the minds of mortals
Forever to rest in the subconcious as a recurring view of pure rapture...