I haven't sat down in a while and just let words flow from my finger tips so I figured its about time, just type about whatever I want and not worry about being judged or having limitations, no target or purpose. I think that life is funny, the way that we always plan things out in our heads, at least I try to personally. It never seems to go the way we want but over time we see why it went that way, lately things have been that way for me and its lovely. Currently watching Supernatural on Netflix, its 6:01am here. I should be sleeping since I now have a new job that I work 10 hour days but that's life, have to make money somehow so I can do the things I actually want to be doing right? Eventually I do want to get into what I really want to be doing, I have dreams like everyone else. I really hope this doesn't turn into some sort of rant but incase anyone is just curious as to what my life is somewhat like or what I'm up to then here's a glimpse of it. I'm not writing this for anyone specific, heck I don't even mind if no one reads this because I'm doing it just because I can't and I know self expression is a big part of life, something everyone should do in some sort of way. I will end this with a goodnight and stay motivated everyone, it may not seem like you're on the right track now but you are though don't get me wrong, I don't believe in fate or that our lives are planned out for us, to me that just seems silly. If that is in fact what you believe though then that's fine too, do you and be happy. Maybe I'll try writing a story from personal experiences next time, stay tuned.
Well I just read your blog :) waiting on your next one now :p
Hah thanks, this one was quite a mess but I wasn't going for anything creative or with a topic, I'm set on starting a story next @life_jc